

Oranje V2 released! with three new features if you love Oranje then please share a status on facebook with hashtag #OV2 ;)
So now you have decided to learn JAVA hmm,
Its nice!!
And with Oranje it will be more simple and easy to learn :)
Well you may think that why I should use this ?
Well Oranje is very light weight and supports all features that should be supported by all editors and the great thing is, it is written on JAVA itself :)
Its very simple to use just press Ctrl+N to create new class and write code then press F5 to run your program, easy enough?

Oranje is still in development process and you can find all features in Features page.
Oranje is based on the powerful JAVA editing component Rsyntaxtextarea.

Sounds cool? Download and give it a try :)